The Surface is simply a controller for the MixRack. It also has an audio rack built into it to conveniently provide local inputs and outputs at the mix position.
Ilive Editor V1.92 For Mac
Please note the following: The correct operation of this platform is not yet verified by our development and test departments. As a result, support for OSX Mavericks is not currently offered for Allen&Heath digital hardware, software applications, or third-party proprietary software used with our product ranges. We cannot confirm a date for providing support for this platform at present, but note that full software testing is in progress. As our test programmes are completed we will update this notice.

Allen & Heath has released an iPad application for its iLive digital mixing system. ILive MixPad connects to an iLive MixRack on a wireless network and provides the essential controls for live mixing, including channel faders and mutes, DCA faders and mutes, image controls, aux sends, channel processing, mic-pre control and full metering. Channel processing encompasses high-pass filters, gates, parametric and graphic EQs, compressors, limiters/de-essers and delays. ILive MixPad also offers several useful tools for system set-up, including channel assignment to mixes, a real time analyser and the facility to name and colour channel strips.
Glenn Rogers, Managing Director of Allen & Heath, commented: “As soon as we saw the iPad we were excited by the prospect of giving our iLive customers portable, intuitive control for mixing a show. In certain situations this app could even replace the console altogether, especially when supported by a PC or Mac for accessing setup features using iLive Editor software. Whether its operating standalone or complementing an iLive control surface, I can see front-of-house and AV engineers enjoying the ability to discreetly mix from anywhere in the venue, whilst monitor engineers will appreciate being able to balance monitors from the stage.” The new app is the latest addition to a family of control options for the iLive system which also includes control surfaces, software, PL series remote controllers and the iLive Tweak iPhone app. I want to be a rockstar when I grow up, at least that is what I have been putting down as my career goal ever since I was first introduced to the Beatles at 11 or 12 years old.
Shortly after my introduction to the Fab Four, I picked up an old classical guitar and started learning every Beatles song I could. It was right around that time that the nickname 'GuitarGuy' Tim originated. While I don't remember the exact origin, it was basically how kids at school differentiated me from the other 4 or 5 Tims in our class. Starting in Jr. High, with an arsenal of Weezer and Green Day covers, my friends and I began 'performing'. Over the next 10 years I played guitar or bass in various alternative, punk and acoustic bands.
Somewhere mid-way through college I realized that although I had the desire to be a rockstar, maybe I didn't have the songwriting abilities, so I moved my passion for music behind the console. I then spent several years working in a studio by day, and at night running everything from local concerts to community musicals.
Ilive Editor Software
Without all of the boring details, my studio work eventually led me into advertising and marketing which is what I now do during the day. But when I come home at night, I still pull out my guitar and put on concerts for my kiddos (I’m raising up the next generation of Guitar Gods).

I met up with the Rev while I was in grad school and was working on my thesis: Turn it up to Eleven: A Study of Guitar Hero and Rockband gamers. Why they play and how marketers can use this information. Yes, it is true.
I have several academic publications about Guitar Hero. At that time in my life I had decided to pursue a career in marketing within the music industry, but the Rev had a better idea. He gave me a shot at reviewing gear, and ever since then I have been a regular here as part of the Live2playNetwork dysfunctional-family. When it comes to music, I'm a jack of all trades. While I'm not an expert at anything, in a pinch I can play guitar, bass, drums, sing, or I can mic up the drum kit, edit in Pro Tools, or solder up a new patch cable.