The Division of General Surgery is the largest of the surgical divisions at the University of Alberta. The Division's traditional activities of clinical service, undergraduate teaching, postgraduate teaching and research are carried out at the University Hospital, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Grey Nuns Hospital and the Misericordia Hospital. The full extent of General Surgery is represented across the city including head & neck, breast, hepatobiliary, pancreatic and transplantation, colorectal, laparoscopic, bariatric and sarcoma surgery. Medical Students The objectives of the MD training program are to provide the trainee with a solid grounding in General Surgical principles and the management of sick and complex patients. These goals are achieved through the four-year Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) program at the University of Alberta.
Years 1 and 2 are pre-clinical years in which the material is presented in a series of system-based course blocks. Each block presents the material in a reasoned progression from basic information to clinical application. Year 3 is a clinical year and includes clinical studies, rotations and electives. Six weeks of year 3 will be spent on a General Surgery rotation at two of the four hospital sites in Edmonton.
The structure of the six clinical teaching units ensures that medical students get not only an intense preceptor-based education, but are also intimately involved in the individual hospital General Surgical Service. Year 4 is a clinical year and also includes clinical studies, rotations and electives. As part of the Division's UGME activities, one or two summer students are engaged annually in addressing research questions based around education issues, research activities in experimental surgery and as well as PhD level research. Research The Division continues its proud and strong tradition of both basic and clinical science research.

Through its long association with the Surgical Medical Research Institute, the Division continues to provide opportunity for residents in training to achieve MSc in experimental surgery as well as PhD level research. The major focuses of basic science research have been in islet cell transplantation, hepatitis C, small bowel transplantation and neonatal hypoxia. In the clinical arena, research activity has focused on population-based aspects of surgical oncology and medical education.
As part of the health-care team, Medical Laboratory Assistants are trained in the collection of specimens from the patient, the initial processing and preparation of specimens for analysis, data entry, performance of phlebotomy and ECGs, urinalysis, specified basic laboratory procedures, and the laboratory information system (LIS). Books, Supplies & Program Fees (est.) Semester 1: $950 Semester 2: $250 Please note: This information is provided to help you estimate your costs for student financing.
Alberta Diagnostic Reading Assessment Programs
Some courses may also have additional expenses. Students who take all of their courses online are exempt from U-Pass, Health & Dental, and Recreation & Athletics fees. All fees are subject to change. Entrance Requirements Academic Requirements 60% in each of:. Grade 12 English.
Pure Math 10 or Math 10C or Applied Math 20 or Math 20-2. Chemistry 20. Biology 20 Effective October 1, 2017 for the 2018-19 academic year beginning in Fall 2018, this program will require the following: 65% in each of:. Grade 12 English. Pure Math 10 or Math 10C or Applied Math 20 or Math 20-2. Chemistry 20. Biology 20 Competitive Entrance: 75% overall average NAIT's is recognized in lieu of Math 20-2.
View the English Language Proficiency Requirements for the Program: Non-Academic Requirements. Online Interview - During the interview, you will be asked questions regarding the program and the profession. The following activities are encouraged to ensure an adequate understanding of the expectations and duties of the program and profession:. Review of program website. Open House information sessions. Program Preview. Tour one or two medical laboratories.
and/or speak to a Medical Laboratory Assistant. Advanced Credit You may apply for advanced credit once you have been accepted into the program. Advanced Credit can be Transfer Credit (for completed post-secondary courses), Credential Recognition (for completed certificates, diplomas or degrees) or PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition). Transfer Credit & Credential Recognition: In addition to the common guidelines outlined on the and on the, your program has other advanced credit requirements that are applied to each request including:.

You must have completed the course or program no more than year(s) ago unless a formalized articulation agreement is in place. You must have a minimum mark of in the course(s) or program Contact the program for additional information about Advanced Credit.
If you do not qualify for transfer credit or credential recognition, may be an option. Practicum/Co-op/Work Experience. Length: 7 weeks - hours of work may include early or late shifts. Salary: There is no salary or stipend received during the clinical placement. Fall intake: January - February. Winter intake: April - June.
Relocation: Clinical sites are located in Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Wetaskiwin, Wainwright, Westlock, Camrose and surrounding areas throughout Alberta. Relocation may be required. Any relocation expenses incurred for practicum placement are the responsibility of the student. Accreditation & Industry Certification. This program is fully accredited. Graduates are eligible to challenge examinations set by the to obtain national certification as a registered medical laboratory assistant in Canada. Scholarships & Bursaries.
Available to a student enrolled in the Medical Laboratory Assisting program. Awarded on the basis of qualities of leadership, cooperation, and empathy while making a conscious effort to succeed in the career of Medical Laboratory Assisting.
For general application and special selections, ranging from $500 to $5,000, see. Additional Admission Pathway for Open Studies Students Students who complete open studies courses with a final grade of 75% or greater, will be guaranteed an interview in any Health and Life Sciences program they apply to for winter or fall intake in 2018. Recognition of Prior Learning NAIT is committed to supporting recognition for prior learning. Find out how your former training and experience can help you with admission to a NAIT program or with course credit.
Financing Your Education We know that funding your education can often be confusing, expensive and overwhelming. NAIT can connect you with resources available to assist you with your financial needs while attending school.